You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Debtor > Debtor Inquiry - Inquiry > Inquiry - Loyalty Inquiry (v2.8)
Inquiry - Loyalty Inquiry (v2.8)

This inquiry displays a debtor's loyalty system details including whether loyalties have been activated, loyalty sales targets, the loyalty payment method, loyalty credits accrued and loyalty credits taken.

  1. Open the Debtor Inquiry screen for the debtor you want to inquire on.

Refer to "Displaying the Debtor Inquiry Screen" (MDS and MRF) or "Displaying the Debtor Inquiry Screen" (POS).


Micronet displays the Debtors Loyalty Information screen.

The information on this screen is similar to that on the Debtor File Update screen - Loyalty tab (refer to "File - Debtor - Loyalty (v2.8)").

  1. When you have finished, select Ok to exit the Debtors Loyalty Information screen.

Micronet redisplays the Debtor Inquiry screen where you can perform another inquiry if required.

  1. Select FILE | NEW to inquire on a different debtor.